
Sensor library available for AWS IoT Core for loraWAN

Montreal, the 15th of December,

Today we are thrilled to announce that our sensor library that makes more than 500 LoRaWAN sensors like plug and play is available for AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN.

We worked closely with AWS team to offer a seamless integration with IoT core for LoRaWAN at the sensor level.

The key benefits of this solution are :

  • Plug and play experience : you connect your sensor and you get the payload decoded as measurements
  • Common Data Model for 360 data view: all the measurements share the same data model making AI, analytics very easy and solving interrogability,
  • Select the best sensors for each customer usage without having to modify a line of code of your application

Sensor library for AWS is available for order here right now : https://www.pilot-things.com/smart-platform/sensor-library

See AWS announcement here
