Customer case study

Device Explorer

ESCanadaDevice Explorer logo

ES Canada is a subsidiary of Équipements Scientifiques (, a French value-added distributor that specializes in electronic components and cutting-edge Test and Measurement solutions.

ES has been in business since 1963 and has achieved remarkable success, boasting a revenue of 112 million Euros (over 160 million CA$) in 2023.

The company employs a dedicated team of over 100 professionals, most of whom have a technical background.

Customer request

ES Canada would like to associate a software solution with the LoRaWAN gateways they sell. Customers receive their equipment but cannot use it without server software that can recognize gateways and wireless sensor data flows.

Furthermore, ES Canada aims to offer turnkey solutions that address specific needs, thereby showcasing the proposed equipment.

Device Explorer Solution

Device Explorer provides an intuitive but powerful user interface. The solution allows more than 20 LoRaWAN gateway models to be registered very quickly.

The solution also includes the automatic recognition of data sent by connected objects to be transformed into business data such as temperature or humidity.

Device Explorer builds on AWS's IoT core service for LoRaWAN. AWS is a member of the LoRaWAN Alliance thus guaranteeing the best compatibility and unparalleled performance.


ES Canada can now offer an end-to-end solution to its customers.

Support time to explain to customers how to connect a gateway and use connected objects has been reduced by 80%.

This solution also allows ES Canada to have a competitive offer that is different from its competitors.

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