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LoRaWAN devices

Device Explorer allows you to add new LoRaWAN objects in a very simple way. Indeed, Device Explorer includes a catalog of connected objects that contains technical characteristics and decoders. Each connected object in the catalog is referenced by an identifier called Product Id. The catalog is accessible by clicking on the catalog button.

Before you can import objects, you need the following information:

  • The productID of the object: it is in the catalog
  • LoRaWAN keys: DEVEUI, appID, appKey... etc
ProductID example for an Adeunis sensor

This information must be entered in the excel or csv file that will be used during the import.

An example import file is available during import step 1.


Numerous sensors are present in the catalog with their decoder. If a sensor is not there, you can ask us to add it. To add a sensor send your request to with the exact references of the sensor and the name of the supplier.

You can also decide to receive the undecoded data using the so-called generic sensor. These sensors can be found in the catalog under Pilot Things.

Importing sensors

To perform an import, click on the Import button:

During the first step, you need to choose the type of sensor:

  • LoRaWAN
  • Cell phone

The first step allows you to download the import template file.

Some fields in the import file are mandatory and others are optional. Mandatory fields are:

ProductID, DeveUI, AppEui, Region

  • For an OTAA version 1.0.x LoRaWAN object: appKey
  • For a LoRaWAN object OTAA version 1.1: appEUI is used as JoineUI, NwkKey must be specified

The Region value corresponds to LoRaWAN regions: EU868, US915...

Devices register

When the import file is filled in and selected you can click Next to go to the next step.

During this step, the import file will be analyzed. If no error is detected you can proceed with the import.

At this stage, the Devices will be registered by default on the Device Explorer integrated Network Server. This option should not be changed.

By clicking Next, the connected objects are imported into Device Explorer.